Gemischte Gefühle für die Reiter-Mannschaft

Mit gemischten Gefühlen reiste die Mannschaft von Reiter Engineering vom vierten Rennwochenende der FIA-GT-Serie auf dem Slovakiaring unweit von Bratislava ab. Dabei hatte alles recht vielversprechend angefangen. Peter Kox/Stefan Rosina und die Rückkehrer Albert Fürst von Thurn und Taxis/Marc Basseng hatten ihre Lamborghini Gallardo auf die Startplätze 2 und 7 gestellt. Im Qualifying Race am Sonntagmorgen gelang Kox und Rosina mit Rang 3 der Sprung aufs Podest, während von Thurn und Taxis/Basseng Elfte wurden. Doch im Championship Race sah keiner der beiden Reiter-Gallardo das Ziel. Kox strandete nach einem chaotischen Start schon nach wenigen Metern nach mehreren Kontakten, während von Thurn und Taxis im Schwesterauto auf einem starken sechsten Rang lag, als die Lichtmaschine versagte. Teamkollege Basseng fuhr noch so lange, bis die Batterie leer war.

Text: Reiter Engineering

Australian entry gunning for Sepang podium

Australian GT campaigner Roger Lago has high hopes for his team’s first foray into international competition at the Sepang 12 Hour later this month.

The 41-year-old Brisbane based businessman will race a Lamborghini Gallardo in the August 28-September 1 event alongside factory-contracted Dutchman Peter Kox and V8 Supercars endurance regular David Russell.

The car has been fully repaired since its most recent race appearance at the Bathurst 12 Hour in February, where the trio’s efforts were cut short by an early crash, and is now in full 2013 FIA GT3 specification.

Lago had planned to contest the Sepang race in 2012 before an accident at a preceding AGTC event curtailed his assault.

The two-time GT3 Cup Challenge winner added a second Gallardo to his stable this year, allowing one car to be dedicated to endurance events.

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Tough race at Red Bull Ring

Last weekend saw the European Le Mans series join forces with the World Series by Renault to give an attractive package to the fans at the beautiful Red Bull Ring in Austria.

However "The Bull" from Kox Racing was not so in his element as the one at the track, and Nico and Peter struggled to get their Lamborghini up to speed, what resulted in P4 in qualifying.

Nico had his best performance up to date in coming closer to the lap times of his teammate!

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